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Yolanda Aubuchon



Yolanda has always enjoyed making art, even as a child. She is inspired by a variety of subjects but currently is focusing on landscapes. Using rich, vibrant colors she creates beautiful paintings inspired by locations in Northern California and from other travels. She mainly paints in her studio from photographs used for reference but can also be found painting plein air (outdoors). Viewers often remark about how peaceful her paintings are. She strives to continually grow as an artist by trying new mediums and techniques to depict different subjects effectively and creatively. She uses brushes and palette knives or lets the paint drip and run to achieve interesting effects. The painting process is very important to her and she feels that a painting is most successful when the viewer is also intrigued by what is happening on the canvas. Her paintings are best viewed at different distances to discover this more interesting aspect. Yolanda is happy to share her love of making art and hopes viewers enjoy her paintings as well!

Cabin by Creek-IMG_4910.jpg

129 K St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

(916) 444-7125

©2024 by Artist Collaborative Gallery.

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