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Kathy Matsumura

Fiber arts

I make cashmere/wool wearable, fashion and baby items, and Victoria button jewelry.


I’ve been attracted to fabric since making me my first quilt at nine when my mother was teaching me to sew.




Fiber arts offer so many medians to choose from-way beyond traditional quilting. I discovered wool felting, while looking to make sweater Christmas stockings. Old wool, sweaters, found and recycled became new fabric to be made into anything one could imagine. Along the way, I explored, other avenues, hand dying fabrics, button jewelry, and needle felting.


All my items are from recycled materials. The adventures of recycling and designing.. what could be better!!

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129 K St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

(916) 444-7125

©2024 by Artist Collaborative Gallery.

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